Hi all! It’s been a shamefully long time since I posted any updates here, as I’ve been busy at work editing Book 2 – but please join me today in celebrating the release of the US paperback version of Our Hideous Progeny! 🥳

Have you ever picked up the hardcover of OHP and thought, “Hmm, looks interesting, but I just feel like it’s approximately 8 ounces too heavy and 0.69 x 0.25 x 1 inches too large”? Then the OHP paperback is for you!!
Sales & Promotions!
- In conjunction with the paperback release, the US ebook is on sale this month for $1.99, wherever ebooks are sold! Snap it up now for less than the price of a cup of coffee! (Honestly, in this economy?? Less than a third of the price of a cup of coffee :/ So buy three! Why not!!)
- AND, the OHP audiobook is also on sale on Chirp until Jun 1st for $4.99! US-only also, I’m afraid, but I highly recommend Chirp – I’ve been subscribed to their audiobook deals email list for ages now, and their prices absolutely knock other retailers like Audible and Kobo out the park.
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