Month: May 2024

US Paperback Release & ebook/audiobook sale!

Hi all! It’s been a shamefully long time since I posted any updates here, as I’ve been busy at work editing Book 2 – but please join me today in celebrating the release of the US paperback version of Our Hideous Progeny! 🥳

Have you ever picked up the hardcover of OHP and thought, “Hmm, looks interesting, but I just feel like it’s approximately 8 ounces too heavy and 0.69 x 0.25 x 1 inches too large”? Then the OHP paperback is for you!!

Sales & Promotions!

  • In conjunction with the paperback release, the US ebook is on sale this month for $1.99, wherever ebooks are sold! Snap it up now for less than the price of a cup of coffee! (Honestly, in this economy?? Less than a third of the price of a cup of coffee :/ So buy three! Why not!!)
  • AND, the OHP audiobook is also on sale on Chirp until Jun 1st for $4.99! US-only also, I’m afraid, but I highly recommend Chirp – I’ve been subscribed to their audiobook deals email list for ages now, and their prices absolutely knock other retailers like Audible and Kobo out the park.

Award Nominations!

Fantastic news: OHP has been shortlisted this year for a few different literary awards!! Our Hideous Progeny is:

…shortlisted for the Lambda Literary Award for Lesbian Fiction!

…a finalist for the Publishing Triangle’s Edmund White Award for Debut Fiction!

…and longlisted for the Wilbur Smith Adventure Writing Prize for Best Published Novel!

I’m so incredibly honoured to see OHP recognized among some truly amazing groups of finalists!!

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