Fabulous news, all: Our Hideous Progeny has made it to the shortlist for the Wilbur Smith Adventure Writing Prize for Best Published Novel! 🥳 I’m tremendously honoured to see OHP make it to this final round, and so grateful to all the librarians & judges who’ve helped it get this far. Also, this means I get a fun new Q&A out on the Wilbur & Niso Smith Foundation website! 🙂
And what’s more, as part of the voting in the final round, readers get to help choose the winner!
One seat on the judging panel is reserved for readers – each person gets three votes to award, either all to one or to three different titles. At the end, the votes will be collated and awarded the equivalent weight to one seat on the panel.
Voting is open now, and will remain open until July 31st!